Friday, November 29, 2019


Post as a guest Name. Please help me with this question. Email Required, but never shown. Unless you have any specific reasons, this is the recommended download. Unix users can extract zip files with jar -xf foo. rxtxcomm.jar

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A 32 and 64 bit version of the library exists. Then modify the configure script as follows:. Mikehenry Mikehenry 1 1 1 bronze badge.

To install the libraries instructions from JControl:. Please refer to the links rxtxcomm.jwr this page for more info: Java supports communication to serial ports, but not with its default installation.


Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Binaries have been tested successfully on Windows Server R2, although they are slightly outdated decemberand known to crash when unplugging an USB serial adapter.

java - Run jar file in any os with and - Stack Overflow

I hope this will help The site below will help you get package you need. Drag the 32bit version of Java to the top and exit the program. Email Required, but never shown. The namespace used is gnu. Distributables can be found in the ToyBox directory.


The project settings need to be altered such that it knows to look for these files. Then modify the configure script as follows: If you want to use a prebuilt 32bit version of RXTX, you will be able to find the prebuilt binary with a quick google. It works fine and on all platforms we support. With that, the error disappears and compilation is successful but for a warning.

Please guide me what changes i have to do in my project and in Windows. Also I want the to know which is correct rxtxSerial.


Unix users can extract zip files with jar -xf foo. It should rxtxcomm.jqr be noted that there was a change in the way things were distributed.

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JavaComm works fine in Windows 32 bit only, though. What will I do? It requires an installation of an external library. Thank you for your input. Once installed, the IDE will need to know where to look for these installed files.

Active 2 years, 10 months ago. This is a problem with Lion since it only comes with the 64bit version of Java 1.

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Asked 2 years, 10 months ago. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

The ToyBox has about 35 platforms and growing. Wai Ha Lee 6, 12 12 gold badges 43 43 silver badges 67 67 bronze badges. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

Rather than importing Java.

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