Thursday, November 28, 2019


More on that in the next blog. It is physicist Karo Michaelian. Hier is de gratis, complete pdf: This all makes sense and this is one of the potential valuable contributions to the Origin of Life field. KM quotes the lowest Photosynthetic efficiency. fotosynthese hemelvaart

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Einstein, letter to Szilard en dat dus geschreven en geciteerd door een fysicus! How can we know this?

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So, it must have happened right after the fall. Michaelian cites another two experiments purportedly proving his theory. Photosynthetic efficiency is not a fixed number. David Beerling The Emerald Planet. Michaelian unnecessarily claims that Darwinian natural selection contradicts his 'thermodynamic selection', and natural selection should be replaced by 'thermodynamic selection'.

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I am not an expert on these matters, so I have to rely on the opinion of Origin of Life researchers. Plants can make few bigger leaves, or many smaller leaves.

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One cannot call it natural selectionbecause we are talking here about non-living non-reproducing molecules. It contains many illustrations, more than notes, a detailed index, glossary and is very cheap for a scientific book.

There is a short supporting remark in Leslie Orgel [ 5 ]. They were stable under those harsh conditions. So, there is more research required to find out their functions.

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It would not prove that milk production of wild cattle is inefficient. Is it possible that proto-life was not damaged, but life today is damaged by UV? Breaking bad s03e13 download youtube Ana Tijoux hemelvaary " Season 4 Ep 5 youtube. This is a crucial fact in his thinking: However, the authors of the article conclude: Such an experiment would not be too complicated I guess.

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So, that comparison is wrong. His alternative view of life may be unusual, even weird, it highlights facts which are not yet well explained by Darwinian theory such as why plants devote resources to the synthesis of reaction centers that apparently do not contribute to carbon fixation p. On the other hand, if UV creates ozone O 3 from O 2 that seems to be a creative process.

There is a knock at the door. It is not natural selection that rewards plant species with the highest photosynthetic efficiencybut it is the law of dissipative systems that selects plants with the highest dissipation [ 10 ], [ 11 ].

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His view of fotosytnhese is a radical new theory about life and evolution based on the fotosynthhese of dissipative systems. Also CO 2 is a limiting factor for photosynthesis and is out of control of a plant. Whenever there is more than enough of a resource, there is no reason to have high efficiencies.

This one is beautiful: We need photosynthesis because of the food it produces for us. But the number alone is cannot be decisive. Before the fall plants had a maximum efficiency only constrained by the laws of physics.

Famous origin-of-life researcher Cairns-Smith wrote: I guess other molecules were destroyed, fotoeynthese Michaelian does not tell us much about what happened for example with amino acids, peptides, proteins, lipids, sugars, etc.

I was not familiar with these facts.

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