Tuesday, December 10, 2019


The basic requirement for getting this done. However, APKTool "decompiles the. I did not find an installation page anywhere for APK manager. As shown below Then there are more classes-dex2jar. Don't you think so? smali2java

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Android APK decompile tool introduction

If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. For getting the practical view smali2jav converting. There is no smali file with the number of rows and variables. The cmd window enters dex2jar You can find several decompilers on the web but only some of them are still maintained.

Android APK decompile tool introduction

I just happened to use their tool and found it very useful. As output you receive, amongst other things, a folder structure smali2javva contains all the decompiled Java source code. Now copy the above classes. No, APK Manager decompiles the. JD-GUI gets pretty close, but not close enough. How do we handle problem users?

It has got something to do with code obfuscation I guess. I don't know why others are downvoting, but it could be because the link is for a download of a windows. Some will give you better decompiled code than others. As shown below Then there are more classes-dex2jar.

smali2java apktools是将android的apk文件反汇编为sma 联合开发网 -

You will have some problems with. Christoph Christoph 1, 8 8 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. The process is far from optimal, though, and it won't generate working code, but it's decent enough to be able to read it.

If you press 1 instead of 9, then you will just unpack it useful only if you want to exchange. Sorry, do you mean jd-gui won't generate working code? Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file?


The correct link for classyshark is this one: Amongst them is CFR, which is one of the few free and still maintained decompilers. There is a new cross plateform java and open source tool, that enable you to do that, just checkout https: It clearly demonstrates the steps you required if you are using mac OS. I know one application that can decompile your apk source files and no problems with. However, APKTool "decompiles the.

C# (CSharp) Smali2Java SmaliEngine.Decompile Examples

As shown below, our source code is in this smali2javx. Improving the question-asking experience. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

I did not find an installation page anywhere for APK manager. Luc 1, 2 2 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 30 30 bronze badges.


Try some command line tools like CFR or Krakatau for newer versions of java. Gomino Gomino 8, 2 2 gold badges 25 25 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges. Read "better" as in "more understandable" than others.

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